

Creating an interactive storytelling platform to push the boundaries of digital learning.

Someone watching a Dive episode on the Dive 2.0 app

The challenge

Dive helps solve issues with digital teaching and learning that the Covid-19 pandemic exacerbated. Struggling to stay motivated, many students learning online feel disengaged and disconnected, and many teachers report heavy workloads associated with re-thinking teaching for the online classroom. Dive is our creative contribution to addressing the disconnect students and teachers are facing in virtual classrooms.

The opportunity

We brought together media makers, policy experts and technology professionals to create an immersive learning experience called Dive: Student Aid. It includes a user-friendly video-driven learning platform, a 16-episode documentary series, and multiple interactive multimedia learning elements.Dive: Student Aid was tested in classrooms across 10 colleges and universities in Ontario in 2021, highlighting benefits for student engagement, learning outcomes and teachers’ pedagogical practices.

Visit website

Watch Dive: Student Aid demo

Moving forward: Dive 2.0

Dive 2.0 is our ambitious follow-up to the success of Dive: Student Aid. Dive 2.0 will enable learners, educators, and content creators to engage in collaborative and active learning, through access to high-quality, engaging, and video-driven content.

It aims to give life to the concept of Netflix for Learning, and in turn help to further democratize how educators and learners interact with, create, and re-purpose high-quality online learning resources. Dive 2.0 aims to...

The home page of the Dive 2.0 platform on a desktop computer

Match educators and media content creators

Facilitate and incentivize their collaboration to either repurpose existing educational video content or work together to make new content.

Dive episode on an iPad

Help educators create effective video-driven learning experiences

Educators will have access to tools and guidance to upload content, identify what and where to include multimedia interactive elements, and choose how they want their viewers to interact.

The discussion feature on the Dive 2.0 platform

Promote student engagement and active learning

Learners will be able to engage with rich multimedia content by making comments, taking quizzes and submitting assignments or activities.

The path forward

We are planning to engage with educators and content creators, such as educational filmmakers, to discuss the Dive 2.0 concept and the incentives that support better collaboration between the worlds of education and film. Our goal is to partner with a broad range of organizations and people interested in using media and technology to improve teaching and learning in the digital age.

Various mobile screens from the Dive app

Services we provided

  • Interviews
  • Story Editing
  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Music/Sound
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • UX/UI Design
  • UX Copywriting
  • Web Development
Someone using the Dive 2.0 app on their mobile device

Our collaborators

We teamed up with the Leadership Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University and policy consultancies Medow Consulting and Côté & Company to create Dive: Student Aid.

Project partners
Leadership Lab logoMedow logoCote logo
Testing partners
Leadership Lab logoHumber logoGeorge brown logoIPAC logoMaytree logoYorkU logoUofT logo
Brookfield logoMetcalf logoYorkU logoMaytree logoOmega logo