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End Violence Against Children: Safe to Learn Advocacy Brief

Graphic design
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Project details

End Violence’s Safe to Learn campaign seeks to eradicate all forms of violence in schools—such as bullying and corporal punishment—by 2024. Launched in 2016 by the UN Secretary-General, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children is a collaborative platform for world leaders to work towards ending all forms of violence against children. To support this specific campaign, we created several print materials, including this advocacy brief explaining the campaign’s mission and vision. Our graphic design team designed the brief both for digital and print publication, aligning it with End Violence’s colour palette, branded patterns, fonts, and selected photos. This is one of many projects Sandbox produced for End Violence.


End Violence Against Children


Graphic Design, Copywriting


Executive Producer: Boaz Beeri

Content Producer: Laura Ann Fox

Copywriter: Helena Gebremedhen

Graphic Designer: Lindsay Smail

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